Monday, March 21, 2005

Why i hate shoelaces. Ahh. I could write an essay...
No actually, it's just the knot I dont like. Well, no not that either. It's the loops. I hate the loops. It looks incredibly silly with those little loops hanging off the shoes.. The only shoes I own that still needs to be tied, are my running shoes. All the others I have cut the laces of at the last hole.. So my new shoes need to be someone I can put on without having to untie them.. Maybe I should look in the closet and see if I can find some of my old trainers from the late 80s. Now, velcro that's attractive.. Especially when you crisscross the two fastenings.. And whatever happened to those trainers with the twist thing instead of shoelaces. Do those still excist? Puma I seem to remember having those about 10 years ago...
But it's not just a cosmetic thing. Shoelaces are also very dangerous. Especially for one who's prone to accidents, such as myself. You, or someone else, step on them and you fall over, they get caught in the chain or cassette on your bike and you fall over, they get caught in the door and you fall over... Basically they've caused me to fall over quite a bit...
And wet shoelaces are grosse to tie.. You walk outside and they get muddy and crappy, and dogs enjoy playing with the laces. And it's just wonderful to tie or untie shoelaces covered in saliva, mud or other not so pleasant liquids... And it's an economic thing. If you keep tying and untying the shoelaces they become very stressed, and so one day you're bound to rip part of the shoelace off.. And then you'll have to buy a new one, and retie the whole shoe.. And then it looks weird cause one of the shoelaces is much cleaner than the other.. So you'll have to buy a new one for the other shoe... See it's just trouble..


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