Went to see Maria Solheim play at John Dee on saturday.
Always really enjoyed her records, but I have never seen her preform live. Sounded very good - a bit more lively than it is on the records. The newest record, Will there be spring, seems to be a bit more.. up beat.. than her previous ones. Going to add it to my collection tomorrow.
Played for about an hour an a half.

Came back for an encore in which she even preformed a guitar solo (only her second time to do it live).
My memory is getting worse and worse, but here are some of the songs she played
Ocean needs water
Lady of my life
Too many days
The snow has killed
Wildest day
Different seasons
Kissing me
A more lively version of Take my heart
Where do people go
You – Every morning
Rumour has it that she will also release a book this fall containining some of her drawings, which will be very cool. Here drawings are so cute http://www.kjentfolk.no/musikere/solheim/frameset.php?load=http%3A//www.kjentfolk.no/scripts/bildearkiv.php?kat_id=1044&css=http%3A//www.kjentfolk.no/musikere/solheim/css/msie.css
Oh.. and you hear that Steve Irwin, the Crocodile hunter, is dead. For real this time. Heard so many rumours throughout the years, but this time, sadly, it's true. And what a freaksih death it was. Stingray barb through the heart. Found his shows quite entertaining and educational to watch, but I've never been a fan of the way he has to handle all the animals. I guess it's educational in that you get to see it up close.. But it's got to be very stressful for the animals - I mean, having a rather large person chasing after you and picking you up by the tail or whatever.. But still, I was an admirer of his work. Conservation biology and education is something I hope to move into eventually..
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