Death Cab for cutie at Rockefeller. I'm happy that I decided to go. Didn't completely take my mind off my thesis. But it did for a bit.. I arrived just in time to catch the last two songs from John Vanderslice. Sounded pretty good. Death Cab came on about ten o'clock. Played a good mix of old and new stuff. They played quite a bit from Transatlanticism, which I was quite happy about. I like that album more than the new one. They were much more.. eh.. energetic.. than I had thought they'd be. The vocals was a bit overpowered by the guitars at times. Or maybe it's just my hearing that's getting even worse.. I need to buy earplugs with those filters in them.. If it's really loud I use those spongy plugs, but I really hate it. The music sounds all weird through them..

So here's what they played.. minus a few songs.. (played for about an hour an a half)

The new year
We laugh indoors
Why you'd want to live here
Title and registration
Soul meets body
Crooked teeth
Different names for the same thing
What Sarah said
Brothers on a hotel bed
Expo '86
Sound of settling
End of first set
I will follow you into the dark
Tiny vessels
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