The Political Compass
Stumbled upon this little test today. The Political Compass test.
It's a great way to waste time - taking these kinds of tests. But I really don't like them. They are so Either-Or (great album btw). I am usually somewhere in between in most cases. I like the ones where you cross of a number, on a scale from 0 to whatever, better. But then sometimes they just go crazy with the amount of numbers.. On a scale from 0 to 10, how much do you agree/disagree with the following statement..

On the Dante's Inferno Test,
I was banished to Level 6 - The city of Dis, which I thought was quite harsh.
I mean - I'm a nice person dammit!
Guess beliveving in nothing put's you right at the bottom..
Other things - I'm still on my mission to watch all the Kevin Spacey movies out there.
The last three I saw, Glengarry Glen Ross, Swimming with sharks and The Ref, I really enjoyed. They are quite the dialogue driven movies. Like the Ref and Swimming with sharks. When I saw the trailer, I thought, hilarious comedies. But they are so dark. And what's with him being tied up, or confined in small spaces, all the time. Do they not like it when he moves around?
Guess he's making up for all of that in this Bobby Darin movie. Apparantly he's doing quite a bit of dancing. Looking forward to that one.
Oh, look at the time. And look at all the work I still haven't started. Time to turn off this fucking timewaster.
Just saw Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. I loved it. And I loved Jon Brions score.
So, watching the Negotiator the other day, sent me on a mission to watch all the Kevin Spacey movies out there.. I get that often. Finding an actor/actress I like, and then have to see all of their movies. It's quite annoying. Finding all of these movies has proven a bit difficult. A lot of the older once are nowhere to be found, unless I buy them. And I don't really want to do that. I already own quite a few of DVDs starring Mr Spacey because he has been in some of my favourite films such as American Beauty, The Usual Suspects, L.A. Confidential.
I found The Big Kahuna in a second hand music/video store the other day, so I bought it. Thought it was going to be a funny film. Well, it wasn't. It felt like it should have been a play and not a movie. Luckily I paid very little for it. And I also found a cheap copy of Death Cabs - We Have the Facts & We're Voting Yes in the same store. Haven't really absorbed it yet, so can't say if I'm happy with the purchase.
Also bought K-PAX, but that movie I really enjoyed. "Don't worry, I'm not going to burst through your chest."
I think Prot is an alien..
My god - I'm spending way too much money. Have to find a job..
Oh the Jeff Koons profile. Have to watch. He has an exhibit in Oslo at present time.
Super Size Me
A Pizza Hut, a Pizza Hut,Kentucky Friend Chicken, and a Pizza Hut,
A Pizza Hut, a Pizza Hut,Kentucky Friend Chicken, and a Pizza Hut,
McDonalds, McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and a Pizza Hut.
McDonalds, McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and a Pizza Hut.
Just saw Super Size Me. (Only took about 4 months to come to Norway...)
What a brilliant, funny, disturbing film.
Favourite moment.. I think maybe during the picture quiz. That kid who guessed George W Bush when shown a picture of Jesus.
Must say - I'm still very happy with being a veggie.
Almost did't go to see it though. Before I left, my TV was on in the background - and just as I was going to turn it off, I see footage from Beslan. Murdered children on stretchers on the ground, and parents searching to see if their children was among them. My god, I just.... What a barbaric, dispicalble act. What kind of human beings could plan to take the lives of children to further a cause.
It just.. I don't know really, just felt paralyzed. To my horror, I often find myself feeling very little when I see terrible footage on the news, but this just felt like I'd been kicked in the stomach.
But then, like always, I distanced myself from it and went to see a funny film... I scare myself.