REM are playing just down the street. If they just would play a little bit louder, I would get a free concert.. If I had the money, I would have been there.. Not a fan of big stadium gigs, but still.. would've be fun to be there..
Well, can't complain. This past week I've 'seen' DeLillos, Tori Amos, Tom McRae, Crosby, Stills & Nash, Cato Salsa Experience, Tift Merritt, The Hives and Roxy Music. And some smaller norwegian bands such as King Midas, Thom Hell, Auden Prim and Lukas Kasha. Really starting to like Lukas Kasha's music. Didn't get to see too much - had to spend most of my time in the hot dog booth.. But I got too see a bit..
Sunday was the best day - younger crowd.. Norwegian Wood is kind of known as the old peoples festival.. Particularly evident on saturday when CSN was the headliner. Kinda fun to watch masses of drunken 40++ going mental. Not too familiar with their music, but I had a nice time at the show.

Not too familiar with any of the bands that played this year actually. But that's what's nice about festivals. Get to see loads of bands that you normally wouldn't go to see.
Definitly want to catch a full show with the Hives some time. He's a bit Mick Jaggerish in his performance - the lead singer.. whatshisname.. Pelle something.. Wonderfully arrogant.

Cato Salsa were also very good. Probably not something I'll listen to too much at home, but going to a concert - definitly. They should maybe have mixed it up a bit more - sounded a bit too much alike after a while.
Roxy Music - wow.. hard to believe that Bryan Ferry and the guys in CSN are the same age.. he looks damn good for 60. Very elegant. Didn't recognise too many of the songs, didn't do many of their big big hits. Well, maybe they did.. But not the ones that I know anyway.. Did do Jealous guy, which I think is a very nice cover. And Pyjamarama.
Two days until I start my summer 'vacation'.. Well, kind of started already.. But I need some time off before I start working. Wish I could afford to not work one summer... But not this year.. And next year.. Hopefully I've got a steady job.
"I'd like to start a religion. That's where the money is." -L. Ron Hubbard-
"Those that reach the higher teachings (OT III) within the Church of Scientology will learn all about Xenu, the evil intergalactic ruler who implanted “thetans,” or alien spirits, in earth’s volcanoes 75 million years ago, after which they escaped and invaded human bodies. The ultimate belief of Scientology is that you are possessed by the spirits of aliens murdered 75 million years ago by "Xenu" and you have to exorcise these spirits."tjihi.. well, I'm sure it's wonderful - if you don't mind spending some $500.000 to reach enlightenment.No salvation for the poor in this 'religion'..Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes, John Travolta.. sure they are.. But Beck - really - he's into this crap?"It must be noted...that promiscuity, perversion, sadism, free love,homosexuality and other irregular practices fall far below an acceptable level of ethics. A society which falls into this category can be expected to abuse sex, to misuse and maltreat children and to act, in short, much in way that the current cultures are acting...People who are at this level on the second dynamic are intensely dangerous in the society since aberration is contageous...."-L. Ron Hubbard-
First day of Norwegian Wood. Good day - even if I ended up selling hot dogs.. Why do they always put me, the vegetarian, to handle meat.. At the hotel too. Always have to fry steaks and pork chops or whatnot... It don't bother me, except that after a while I get a bit nauseated because of the smell.. After 7 hours in that tiny hot dog booth - I almost feel like I've eaten a dusin hot dogs. Was supposed to sell tickets, but apparantly there was a bigger need for someone to hand out stuffed intestines. The people that played were Thom Hell, Tom McRae, Tori Amos and DeLillos.Thom Hell makes lowkey, pretty music. Never heard anything of Tom McRae - at least nothing I'm aware of. Always thought he played country music. But then my roommate told me that I've probably been confusing him with Tim McGraw. Which I have.. Played similar music to Thom Hell. Not that familiar with Tori Amos' music either. I enjoy alot of what I've heard, but I can only name a few of her songs. It was only her and a piano and an organ on stage.DeLillos was definitly the high point. They celebrated their 20th year as a band. So the show included a cake and birtdaysong. Been a while since I've listened to them. Had forgotten how much I enjoy their music. Was stuck in the hot dog booth for most of the show, but took a couple of long bathroom breaks. Went to one of their concerts about 5 years ago - I think.. They are very popular among students and men in their 40s..They played: ""Frognerbadet" "Tøff i pysjamas" "Ut" "Velkommen" "Finnes det en kvinne" "Den feite mannen" "Stum" "Sveve over byen" "Klasse 1 komfort" "Lever av seg selv" "Stakkars Oslo" "Søster" "Glemte minner" "Hjernen er alene" "Kokken Tor" Ekstra: "Full men pen" "Suser avgårde" "1984" "Neste sommer" Was sold out today, which means that there were about 7500 people there. It was a pretty mellow start to the festival, probably because the sun appeard. Finally. A hint of summer. Well, there was some rain during Tom McRae's set. Which he commented on. "Every fucking time!". Apparantly this is his third time at this festival, and every time he has played, it's been raining..Tomorrow is the hardrock day.. Headliner is System of a down. It's my "fee entry" day. But don't think I'm going to go.
Wow, have managed to not study for over 6 hours now... A bit of tv, some chatting, way too much coffee... Found the laptop I'm going to buy. Just need to get some money in my account before I can buy it..Learned that on the day I was born, Escape (the Pina Colada song) by Rupert Holmes was number one on the US charts.. And Another brick in the wall by Pink Floyd was number one in the UK. Norway it was We don't talk anymore by Cliff Richard the wonderful 70's.. Not that those songs are a good representative for all the wonderful stuff that came from that decade.. Well, except Pink Floyd maybe. But it was only 11 days until the 80's.. So I guess the list mirrors the horrible direction music is heading... So pleased that my earliest memory of music is from the 80's. The golden age of music.. Wham, New Kids on the Block, A Flock of Seagulls, Bryan Adams, Billy Idol.. All of those hair metal bands... Ahh.. Ok, so in recent years I've discovered that there actually were a lot of great bands in the 80's. I just didn't listen to any of them.. Actually I didn't really listen much to any music in the 80's.. But alot of the 80's bands kept it going long enough into the 90's - just in time for me to buy their dreadful music.. I've saved most of the cd's/vinly/cassettes that I've bought. It's quite amusing, and very embarassing to look through them...I have to admit that in my collection you will find albums by Celine Dion, NKotB, Take That, Bryan Adams, Def Lepard, alot of that horrible techno-dance-house crap thing.. There's also alot of the bad stuff from the 50s and 60s..I mean No milk to today.. If I had a hammer.. what the hell kind of lyrics are that..Fuck - need to study!
SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!Shut up, shut up, shut up! You motherf****, loudass, hairball!Idiot owners - take your fucking dog inside!I love dogs, but I have zero tolerance right now - too unprepared for tomorrow...
Why am I not able to study for my exam which is in 34 hours?!? Well, at least I found out that I am 50% gay - "Congratiulations! You've scored right in the middle and are a happy and well adjusted hetero babe!" that there are 885,272,618 people in the world that are richer than me..
New free concert. I love that.. If only it wasn't right in the middle of exams and shit.. But as usual, music is more important... So we went. It's a concert series that a norwegian radio station has arranged. This was the last one. They have travelled to the major cities in Norway and held free concerts. Magnet and BigBang have been with them all the way, and in each town some local bands has performed too. Here a band called Sofian opened. Never heard of them, and we came just as they were finishing up.. Next on the scene was a band called Animal Alpha. Not to familiar with them either. They played.. frantic rock, I think they called it... They were very good, especially the lead singer was terrific. But it's maybe a bit to loud for my ears.. But anyone who likes heavy, loud rock should definitely check them out. Think they said they were releasing their first album pretty soon.
Next on the stage was Magnet, the guy I came out to see. I thought it was kinda funny that when they did the whole soundtest thing - Turboneger's City of Satan played very loudly from the sound system. And in between the heavy guitar riffs and satan lyrics, you could hear Even sing some lines from some of his songs.. Played with a full band this time, all dressed in black and white striped shirts.. Some of the songs they played: Lay lady lay, Hold on, the Pacemaker, On your side and Deadlock. I love this guys songs. And wouldn't you know - when he played the clouds parted and let the sun shine on us for a few minutes
Big Bang ended the whole show. I really like some of their songs, but am not a huge fan. But they really are a great live band. Played Wild Bird which is one of my favourites. Reminds me of my time in Bali. Can't remember all the songs they played, but they did Saturn Freeway, Fly like a butterfly and of course ended with a great version of Girl in Oslo.
So all in all, pretty good day. Next time it needs to be warm and sunny though.. And by then I should have learnt how to get the camera to focus on the people on the stage instead of the heads of the people in front of me... Now, time to panic. Study!!!!
Trying to find out what kind of laptop to buy. Was recomended to buy one from Dell.. But I don't understand, or know, anything about computers. So the whole 'base system options' is scaring me. At present moment I want the Inspiron 6000.. because... well.. It's pretty.. I kind of want an iBook..also because it's pretty. But I know even less about macs.. so I'll probably go for the safe, somewhat familiar..