I am daffodils.
I am the morning dew
I am the laughter of children.
I am the smell of freshly baked bread.
I am the postman's cheery good morning.
I am the yelp of a puppy freed from the microwave.
I am chicken fed corn.
The seven of clubs that fills the inside straight.
I am the grateful twinkle in your grandmother's eyes as you reverse the tractor off her legs
I am sugar, spice, and all things nice.
I am the click on an empty chamber when its your turn at russian roulette.
I am hope, love, mankind, the world.
I am everything.
Its called Lithium, by the way. If you're interested. Some side effects, but otherwise excellent
So SNL.. Umm... Maybe I just don’t get sketch comedy.. Well, no that’s not it – I think.. It just wasn’t all that funny was it? I enjoyed the protest song.. as I did when he did it on A bit of Fry & Laurie.. They should’ve just recycled some more of his old stuff.. I wonder how involved the guest stars are in the writing of the show.. The Queen bit was kinda funny, but it was a bit annoying to watch because they were so clearly reading off some prompter or something.. Normally you look at the person you speak to...But my god, the man has got great legs. And he is way better than I am at walking, or rather balancing on squishy material, in heels.. A bit too good at it maybe... Makes a pretty horrifying woman though.
And why are the sketches so long. I mean, some of them, like the weekend update thing went on forEVER. Beck was cool though. Played Nausea and Clap Hands. And it was a nice surprise to see Borat in the beginning.
So still, my favourite sketch with Hugh Laurie is the Derek Nippl-e one, or maybe Mr. Burmie.. or maybe.. the Mr. Dalliard or the John and Peter ones... or.. well, you get it.. something from the Fry & Laurie era.
Is it possible to ruin a CD in one day by overplaying it? Well, no I haven’t done that.. But I finally got my hands on The Decemberists – The Crane Wife. Tried for some two weeks to get it. But either the record shops haven’t had, or it’s been sold out. I’ve only heard summersong, and I heard people say that was the weakest song on the album, which gave me very high expectations (I adore that one. I’m a sucker for cathcy tunes). I don’t like to have high expectations for anything. I’m a ‘the glass is half empty, and chipped, and I cut my lip on it’ kind of person. I rather expect the worst and then be pleasently surprised, than the other way. Can’t help it. But still, this time I couldn’t help but to have major expectations. And I wasn’t let down. I absolutely LOVE it. All of it.
Also saw The Devil Wears Prada over the weekend. I guess I need to go to the cinemas to manage to sit through a whole film. If only it wasn’t so fucking expensive. Meryl Streep. WOW. I think I would’ve liked it better if they didn’t go with the happy ending. If Anne Hathaway, and all her one million teeth, had rather ‘sold her soul to the devil’..
Speaking of Meryl Streep. Just when I found out I really like Bravo Silva (it took me a while to decide..), they decide to call it quits. Bummer.
Oh, well..
“soupy twist”