I think I'm going insane. Today the subway told me 'Remember to be yourself today'
Went down to this kind of book-fair down town yesterday. Too many books, too little money. Only bought a book by a norwegian stand-up comedian called Anne-Kat Hærland. The book is called Krig og fred og religion og politikk og sånn. Which translates as War and peace and religion and politics and stuff. It reads like a written down stand up show. Not always very original, but she is very sharp, and it was a fun read. She did a short interview and read from the book too. Somewhat similar to Dylan Morans comedy. Also released it as an audio book. Think I might have to give that a listen too. Not good with audio books though. Rented one the other day. I just don't pay attention. Suddenly I was an hour in and had no idea what had happened..Anne-Kat is on the norwegian version of 'Have I Got News For You'. One of the few tv shows I try and catch every week.
Another of the panel members, Knut Nærum, also has a book out. Madonna-gåten. A kind of spoof of the Da Vinci Code. He and the two other writers of the book also did an interview yesterday. Sounds like a laugh. But I still haven't read the Da Vinci Code. Not necessary to read it before, but I still want to. Anyway, I should read it - just to see what all the fuss is about..
omg, Mr. pianoman upstairs has finally added a new song on his list of tunes to practice. Edelweiss! Good work man. I felt I heard some major improvements on your Kum Ba Yah. When you got the Edelweiss down - how about som Thelonius...
My throat feels like it has been sandblasted. How do you tell the difference between bird flu and regular flu? No luckily, the birdflu hasn't made it's way to Norway yet. At least not that we know of.Last couple of days I've been trying to perfect the art of doing nothing. I've got the whole not doing anything down cold. So what I'm now trying to better is suppressing my feelings of guilt for not doing anything. I'm definitly making progress. Two days ago I spent nearly half a day kicking myself for not doing anything - yesterday I only spent about 1/3 of the day cursing myself. So today I'm hoping for a guilt free day. But I am feeling the guilt creeping up on me. So off to make some ginger tea and watch my newly arrived dvd of Comic aid to distract myself for a while...
This is one of the more disturbing things I've seen in a while.. http://www.waxhoff.com/ Going to deliver a draft of my thesis next monday, so of course I've been watching dvds of Eddie Izzard and Bill Baileys stand-up. FUNFUNFUN. Heard rumors that Bill Bailey is coming to Oslo. Wonder when - will definitly go then. Mentioned this site in the paper today http://www.bookcrossing.com/ Never heard of it before. But that's a cool idea. Be fun to track books around the world. Have found norwegian books in alot of second hand bookstores in lots of other countries. Also read that books are the new snobbery. People buy books just to look smart, but they rarely read them. Now that seems stupid. What if people starts asking you about your thoughts on the books. What - you'll just keep saying 'Oh no haven't gotten to that one yet - no not that one either.. or that one..' But I suppose most people probably do own more books than they've read. I know I do - and I don't really own that many books. Not the most bookish person around, and I tend to go to the library rather than buying them. Just finished Cat's cradle, which I very much enjoyed. And started Lord Nevermore, and the Dirt. Don't really know Motley Crues music. But I've heard so much about this book, so I have to read it.
Who needs sleep anyway.. Now, if I could only manage to be productive as well.. Maybe if I managed to sit down and write I would get so bored out of my mind that I would actually fall asleep. Although I kind of tried that.. Not to many useful things got written down...
Dylan Moran at Latter
So Dylan Moran.. What can you say. The man is brilliant.
But no matter how wonderful it was to see him live. I can’t help being a bit dissapointed. He only did about an hour and 15 minutes. Come on – I paid shitloads of money. I want at least an hour an a half... And he did mostly old stuff. Loads from Monster. But it was great to see him live - finally. Front row seats. Next time I think maybe third row... Came out with a beer in his hand, went to the table and reached into his pocket and pulled out another one. And then a man came and put a bottle of wine on the table. Cigarette always lit.. Which one guy reacted to, so we got to hear some great insults aimed at that guy. Sounded quite pissed and a bit angry. But that’s part of his act isn’t it.. Or maybe he really was...
“*cough cough* Don’t mind this, it’s a touch of cancer.” On the different colonial styles "What America does is very gradually build a starbucks around them. They all get addicted to latte and cappucino and it saps their will they all end up watching Steven Segal videos""Stop clapping - it bores me!"“If you considered for a moment the fact that the governor of California is Arnold Schwarzenegger, you wouldn’t be able to do anything else that day. You would have to go and lie down..... Arnold Schwarzenegger became electable by being famous. And he became famous by lifting things. Now you and me, and children, and anybody with an IQ higher than fishsoup avoids lifting things. It’s unpleasant...”
On people driving hummers “You look at one of these vehicles and think just how small does your cock have to be, to wanna walk into a carplace and say I need something the size of a hospital so people know I’m around”
“What day is it – Monday?....or Thursday?.. It’s during the week isn’t it?”
Towards the heckler “You know it doesn’t really matter how fluent you are in English if you’re talking bollocks............I’m really glad you’re out actually, it’s a relief to the people at home”
On being a citizen of the world and going to the gallery “I went to the gallery and I thought, why am I here. All art is the same wherever you go in the world. It all breaks down into the same three phases - Jesus, fruit and tits. That’s it.”
“I’m really sorry about all the pauses and everything......but you know... Pinter got the nobel....”
Woman with squeeky laughter “You brought your fieldmice to the gig did you? What is that, an otter?” Wrapping up the show "You would be dissapointed if you saw a really slick show, that was incredible well put together. All polite and organised and everything. You don't want that - you can get that anywhere. This is all homemade"
About men being envious about the female radar “'lots of rambling'...I will finish this sentence – I can feel it”
Insomnia is a bitch.. Well, it's not really insomnia. I've just been in one of my 'can't seem to fall asleep until around 5 in the morning' periods again.. Been like this for nearly two weeks now. Even went out and bought these herbal pills that are supposed to help you fall asleep. Valerian root.. All they did was smell really bad.. But to be fair, they guy at the drugstore told me that they don't work on everyone.. Dylan Moran was on a norwegian chat show tonight. He was terrific. So excited about going to the show on monday. On Irish music: 'Music? It's not really music. It's sounds. It's a lot of quick sounds put together, played by redfaced men who hates their musical instruments, and are trying to punish it.'Norway: 'You got an oilfountain in the back garden. You sit around all day eating herring, any amount of herring... I know, I know, that’s a stereotype and it’s not true, and it’s a far more complex society. But there is a lot of herring.'
Must remember to wear my contactlenses next time I'm at the hairdresser... Or at least put on my glasses again before I say, 'You can probably cut off a bit more'.... Oh well... it's only hair. It'll grow back... eventually...
So finally got to see Cinderella man. Line up the Oscars. It's overly sentimental and cliched - and I really liked it...A classic underdog story. Ron Howard really knows how to push the right buttons... I fall for it every time... Ok, so sometimes it was a bit much.. Nearly beaten in the ring - pictures of his hungry children and loving wife flashing through his mind - finds new strength and wins... A bit of spoon feeding in the first half to make sure that our sympathy is with Braddock. And jusr to make sure of it - Baer is a real Hollywood villain. Arrogant, low hitting and makes suggestive comments towards Braddocks wife. But still.. It was very good. Russell Crowe did a brilliant job. And Paul Giamatti was terrific as usual.
Nobody wants to go and see Stephen Malkmus.. Boring people.. Well, not actually listened a whole lot to his solo albums. And definitly not sure about his latest one... But the guy was in Pavement... That's reason enough to spend 200kr.. But I want to go and see Mew next week also.. And then Magnet is playing the 22nd.. Man, concerts should be cheaper.. Or maybe I should get a job... Ah.. only 5 months untill I have to. 15th of february, my thesis has to be delivered.. Maybe I should write today instead.. It's pouring down outside too......I like clouds.. Maybe I should study meteorology after I'm done with my thesis... Avoid the real life a bit longer..
Probably not a good idea as I'm sick to death of going to school. Or.. I enjoy going to lectures.. But all the writing reports, doing presentations, exams.. Sick of it..