There was a cloud, or actually an opening in the clouds, that looked like a christmas tree. Should I take this as a sign from god? "Be jolly and celebrate the birth of my son you miserable fart".. But then, I can't remember reading about decorating pine trees to celebrate the birth of Jesus in the bible.. Maybe I just missed that part - which would be easy since I haven't actually read the entire bible.. I've skimmed it... Will read it soon.. (yeah right.. heard that before..)
So 2005 is coming to an end.. god how depressing.. Or maybe I shoud be happy this year is finally over. Maybe the next one will be better. At least I will be out of school this next year.. So I can be a miserable and unemployed instead of miserable, unemployed and in school.. At least one less thing to moan about.. But then what am I if I don't have anything to complain about.. Sad but true..
Ok, so 2005 haven't been that bad. I mean I got away from Oslo for a while.. Saw some polar bears and whaleross(rosses??), made some new friends, got to play auntie to a one year old boy and see him growing up, learned some new things, went to some good concerts, read some good books, saw Dylan Moran, moved.. but then.. I'm still just as confused and dissatisfied with where I am as always. A guy I know died in a car crash. He was on the brink of greatness and then poof. Gone. Shit like that makes you think. Sounds a bit preachy - You know all that be all you can be, sieze the day shit.. But it is really true. I mean if I die tomorrow I will be really pissed. Now, I don't want to live to be a hundred, but I hope that I'm somewhat content and satisfied with my life when I go.. But even a wake up call like that about how short life is hasn't made me go out and do what I want to do.. Maybe because I don't really know want I to do... Think I'm too scared. Being in school and complaining about it is like my security blanket. As long as I have that I don't have to deal with real life..
The last couple of years I haven't bothered celebrating new years eve because most of the previous ones has been absolutely shit. All the pressure on this one party is too much, so people drink way too much and pass out before we've even entered the new year.. But this year I agreed to come out of hiding to join some friends for 'dinner'. I say 'dinner' because they are serving turkey, and me being a vegetarian I'm not sure if I actually will get any food.. No, she said there will be something I can eat there too.. But that can mean many things.. Ah well, I have wine... who needs food. God knows I've eaten enough this christmas. Or should I say holiday since I'm not religious..(then I probably shouldn't have written 'god knows' just now.. But I'm not an atheist, I call myself an agnostic..the only thing I know is that I don't know.. So I guess I should write, 'God (if he/she/it exists) knows'. I actually think being anything but agnostic is a bit arrogant.. How can you possibly know that there is a god, or that there isn't? But I won't go into that right now)
As for resolutions.. I find the whole practice totatlly asinie.. But I still make some each year.. Actually, I think I've had the same ones for like 6 years or so..
Read more, travel, get a job, learn to play an instrument, learn another language, lose weight, find my passion(or at least something I really want to do)..get happy..
So in 2005.. I read more.. but still not that much, got out once, still only summerjob and a short TA job, crappy as always on the guitar and didn't even manage to get one single sound out of the sax, I can now say 'porcupine' in spanish. But with the addition of that word, most of my german has had to go, I've probably gained weight, still confused.. and miserable..
I'll stop whining for this year now..Don't think I've ever complained quite as much in any of the previous posts. I usually run out of words after five sentences. Well, if anyone is actually reading this crap - have a happy new year.
I don't like christmas anymore. Nothing to do besides stuffing your face and wathcing bad television.
I was watching this thing on tv: Christmas Special of Grumpy Old Men. Loads of middle aged brithish men complaining about all things chrismasy.. I find it a bit disturbing that I have so much in common with them.
Mostly money under the bug infested piece of nature that we have dragged into our livingroom and hid under a layer of lights and glitter for me this year. Very happy about that. Also got a few books, some cds and a tiny electric coffee grinder.
So since its almost the end of the year - here's a list of my favourites this year.. I'm not really a list person.. So if I were to write this tomorrow, it would probably look completly different.
Favourite CD: Kate Bush - Aerial or My Morning Jacket - Z or maybe White Stripes - Get behind me satan
Favourite single: Lift me - Ane Brun feat. Madrugada or Bundy - Animal Alpha
Favourite movie: Before sunset (I know it was released in 2004, but I didn't see it before this year..) or did Sideways come out this year?
Favourite TV series: Haven't really wathced that much tv this year, but I finally got to see this wonderful little series: How do you want me
Favourite concert: U2 (not my favourite band, but my god that was a good show) and had I not been sick, seeing Rilo Kiley and Bright Eyes at the same evening would maybe be my favourite. And Thomas Dybdahl at Quart festivalen was lovely, but being a festival.. it was only just over an hour long concert..
Favourite book: Størst av alt - Morten Harry Olsen (also from last year, but who cares) or Kompani Orheim - Tore Renberg
December 21st, the shortest day in the year. No wonder I'm such a little bowl of sunshine. 26 how fucking depressing! Promise, next year I'm not going to whine on my birthday. By then I will have figured out what to do with my life.. Ok, so I've said that for the last 5 years.. But I think 26 is the year everything will come together.... Yeah, right.. Well, at least I will be done with school. Finally.. So next year I will probably be lying on my couch, unemployed and even more depressed because I can't complain about school anymore..Famous people born on this lovely day - the darkest day in the year - Lillebjørn Nilsen, Kiefer Sutherland, Julie Delpy, Samuel L. Jackson, Jane Fonda, Andy Dick, Ray Romano, Frank Zappa
Red sky at night.. who's delight is it?.. Farmers, or is it sailors maybe?.. It means good weather the next day doesn't it? So I guess it has to be sailor then.. because a farmers delight would be rain wouldn't it?Anyway - I don't really care... but I can't sleep. And apparantly I can't think either.. so I'll turn this thing off now. Good night
So finally another concert.. Been ages since the last one. Was a free one. Got tickets to see Martha Wainwright. Only thing I knew of her was that she has a nice song called Factory, and that she is the daughter of Loudon and sister of Rufus.
Teddy Thompson opened for her. Never heard of him either. But apparantly he is also a child of famous folk singers.. Linda and Richard Thompson (the guy in Fairport Convention). He played for about 45 minutes. Charming guy with new boots.. Only him and his guitar. He had a wonderful voice, but it all sounded very much alike after a bit. But he said that on his record he played with a band, so I will definitly check it out. Judging from his lyrics he is a bit bitter about a breakup.. In the in-between banter he was wonderfully self deprecating. Played alot from his new album, Seperate Ways - I think.. What I can remember he played is: I wish it was over, Turn the gun on myself, Seperate Ways, Everybody move it.
Martha came on and played one song solo, and then she brought on her band. She has a great voice, but she seemed a bit drunk.. Blabbed quite abit in between the songs. I like that.. but sometimes it was a bit much.. Was facinated by her left leg while she played. She looked like she was working out. High knee lifts. Very high knee lifts. Looked like she had fun on stage though. Even managed to get the audience with her on a sing-a-long.. Well kind of..
There was a great moment when she called on a guest artist. Lars Lillo Stenberg, frontman of one of Norways greatest bands. DeLillos. Played a wonderful version of Neil Youngs Helpless. 
Teddy Thomson came on stage again a few times doing back up on Don’t forget, Bring back my heart and Warren Zevons I was in the house when the house burned down.
Some of the other songs she played was
When the day is short
Ball and chain This life
Jesus and Mary
Tower of song
Far away
Street fighter man
Bloody mother fucking asshole
Dis, quand reviendras-tu
She played for two hours, which actually felt abit too long. Don’t know if it was because the seats were very uncomfortable or what.. But an hour and a half would have been enough.
But I did really enjoy it, and will definitly go see her again if she returns to Oslo. So it was a good evening.
On my way back home from the cinema, my faith in humanity was almost completly restored. Lost my wallet with all my cards and some money in. After cursing myself and going through my bag while waiting for the subway - I decided to go back to the cinema in hopes that it had just fallen out of my pocket and nobody had bothered picking it up.. But sadly no sign of it. Then just as I was about to call and report that my VISA card was lost, a man called and told me he'd found it. 2 minutes later it was back in my possession. Nothing missing. Thank you stranger whom I probably didn't thank enough.. Was too happy and relieved to talk properly..