..I never thought I would say this.. well write this.. I miss kum-bah-ya... The noises coming out of the piano.. I'm sure it's meant to be some sort of melody.. but it's not comprehensible what that would be..He needs to soundproof his apartment.. or be better at it. I mean he's been playing..OMG. He swithched song.. Silent night.. isn't that a bit early.. or late.... yeah.. so he's been playing like every day for longer than I've lived here and he still sounds like.. well, like I sound.. And I only played a few months when I was 11.. Play a few notes, then a long pause to read the sheetmusic and to try and find the correct keys.. another few notes played and then a new pause..
So spent alot of money I don't have today.. But I wanted some new music. Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins - Rabbit Fur Coat. A very, very nice country, gospel popish record. Haven't had time to fully digest it yet, but I am loving it so far.http://www.myspace.com/lewiswithwatsonsBought some older releases too.. I wanted to buy the new Minor Majority, but I'm hoping it soon will be available at some sale.. It tend to be like that. I buy a new record, and then a few weeks later it is like half price.. so I'm waiting.. Bought their previous one instead. Up for you and I. Beautiful, melancholic music.. melancholy music... mel.. whatever.. that creeps under your skin.http://www.myspace.com/minormajority
Last one I bought was Thom Hell's previous one.. I love you. Also waiting with the new one.. Haven't had time to listen to that one yet. Just a quick run through.. Sounds pretty good though. http://www.myspace.com/thomhell
You would think that living in Norway we would be equipped to handle snow.. but nooooo.
ohmygodohmygodOHMYGOD there is some white stuff on the subwaytracks.What do we do - what do we do??? Ok, granted it's quite alot of snow... but still..
...sitting 30 minutes in an non-moving subway car makes me grumpy..

Favourite song at the moment.Looking out the door I see the rain fall upon the funeral mournersParading in a wake of sad relations as their shoes fill up with waterAnd maybe I’m too young to keep good love from going wrongBut tonight you’re on my mind so you never know
Broken down and hungry for your love with no way to feed itWhere are you tonight, child you know how much I need itToo young to hold on and too old to just break free and run
Sometimes a man gets carried away, when he feels like he should be having his fun
And much too blind to see the damage he’s done
Sometimes a man must awake to find that really, he has no-one
So I’ll wait for you... and I’ll burn
Will I ever see your sweet return
Oh will I ever learn
Oh lover, you should’ve come over
’cause it’s not too late
Lonely is the room, the bed is made, the open window lets the rain in
Burning in the corner is the only one who dreams he had you with him
My body turns and yearns for a sleep that won't ever come
It’s never over, my kingdom for a kiss upon her shoulder
It’s never over, all my riches for her smiles when I slept so soft against her
It’s never over, all my blood for the sweetness of her laughter
It’s never over, she’s the tear that hangs inside my soul forever
Oh but maybe I’m just too young
To keep good love from going wrong
Oh... lover, you should’ve come over
(Yes) I feel to young to hold on
I’m much too old to break free and run
Too deaf, dumb, and blind to see the damage I’ve done
Sweet lover, you should’ve come over
Oh, love well I’m waiting for you
Lover, you should’ve come over
’cause it’s not too late
too tired to do anything today. But I did ok yesterday, so slightly less panicked... going to enjoy it while it lasts.. probably until my head hits the pillow..anyway.. the Travel channel has showed the tall ship chronicles today. I was addicted to that show when they showed it on Discovery. Man.. when I get some money - that's what I'm doing. http://www.picton-castle.com/Not necessarily on that ship.. but something like that.. Was supposed to go on this short tall ship cruise when I was 14. But I chickend out.. STUPID!Came across Camera obscura on the last FM player. Sounded very nice. Haven't really listened to much lately. Or, the radio is on in the background.. but I don't really pay any attention.. I just need something do occupy that part of my brain. If it's completely quiet I find it hard to concentrate.. Maybe because I'm a bit bothered by tinnitus.. Read somewhere that some antidepressants are supposed to help that.. Who knows..and I might cheer up too..Well, got a laugh when I saw John Hodgman on the Daily show again. When they had him on the last time I thought he would be perfect on that show.. And then, there he is again. Think I'm going to check out his book. Too bad they don't sell it here in Norway. At least I don't think they do.. I like to browse before I buy stuff... Well, off to sleep.. see if I can get some shut eye before 6 am tonight.. or will the panick attacks return..
FUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!I really can't deal with this thesis crap. Absolute panic. Can't sleep, can' think, can't write.I hate it, hate it, HATE IT!
So there's this new show that is starting on the main norwegian tv channel today. Tore på sporet. And it's sparking a bit of a debate. From what I gather, the show is much about him helping adopted people to find their biological parents. There are probably other issues too, but that is what is causing the debate. Being adopted myself, I find it kind of interesting. I understand, and respect, that alot of adoptives do feel a great need to find their birth parents and get some answers. But I don't think it should be viewed as a saturday evening entertainment. It is a much too serious issue. And I doubt a show like that will be able to show the complexities of this subject. Some people are saying, well if you don't like it, just don't watch it. But that's not the point. It's the possible consequences of the show. I just think when you are dealing with an issue like that, one must be a bit careful. It does stand at great risk of romanticising the whole idea of the reunion. If it just show the happy ones, all those that makes you go 'aaahhh.. that warms my heart', it can create this romantic idea that if you find your birth parents all your problems will be solved. And.. well, there are so many things, but I guess I should watch the show before I go on..
Yay! Got tickets to see Death Cab february 5th! Hopefully I won't be too stressed out to enjoy it. Am also going to Thomas Dybdahl's acoustic concert in march :) Happy happy joy joy!Also excited about Jenny Lewis' solo debut, Rabbit Fur Coat. And the Elected are releasing their new record, Sun Sun Sun, the same day I think. Heard some samples from them, and it sounds pretty good. A bit to preoccupied to REALLY listen to it though. Can't wait until I'm done with this and can focus on other things too........Double yay! News from the Grant-Lee Phillips site! Seems like a new album is on it's way.. A cover album. http://www.grantleephillips.com/news.htmlI would have preferred some new things from him, because I love his songwriting. But still excited. Heard him do alot of great covers:) Candy says, Ashes to ashes and Drunken angel are my favourites I think. Oh, and Wake me up before you go-go is great."semi-acoustic rendering of cult classics by The Pixies, Joy Division, REM, The Cure, Robyn Hitchcock, The Church, Nick Cave, New Order, Echo And The Bunnymen and The Smiths."Can't wait:)
A little glass of white helps on the creativity.The bad thing is that texting, emailing and blogging has ruined my written language. I can't write full sentences anymore. Luckily I write in Norwegian, because my english grammar is even worse.
create your own visited country mapor check our
Venice travel guideMan, I need to travel more. Look at all those depressing white areas. The whole of the Americas and Australia and almost all of Asia (looks impressive on the map, but I've only been to South Korea and Bali..). I know I have been very lucky to be able to travel this much. I know plenty of people that barely have set foot outside their home country. But I want more. My legs are itching. It's been ages since my last travel. Svalbard doesn't count because that's a part of Noway. I need new impulses, new cultures, new people, strange languages.. I never feel more alive than when I'm travelling. Right.. So after I'm done with this shit. Find a job, any job. Work my butt of for a bit and then TRAVEL!! Or maybe preferably, find a job abroad. Maybe I should start playing the lottery too... just in case..
My life at the moment.
Cluttered desk, cluttered mind.
I've tried organizing my papers in hopes that I would get some sort of overview.. but 5 minutes later it's like this again.. Note to self. Writing parts of thesis on post-it notes is not smart.. Four days without chocolate. And without much of a craving either.. I impress myself.. And I finally mastered the hummus making.. Weird floury taste gone.. Only yummy goodness left.
Fuck! I just bought a new mobile phone. I hate internet shopping......Ok, so I lie - I love it, but it's way to easy to buy things..I've bought so much crap since I found out about ebay..But it was pretty cheap. And it will be nice to finally get to see the mms' people send me..