Bought a vinyl copy of Either/or on ebay. Wonder if it makes it across the atlantic in one piece... Bought a 7'' previosly that made it, so hopefully.. Don't have shipping insurance.
I love ebay. Or.. It's a love-hate relationship. Love it because I find so many cheap wonderful things.. and it is deliverd to my house. Hate it because loads of cheap wonderful things=the sudden dissaperance of money from my account.. Always surprised to find that I barely have enough to pay the rent.. I mean, I've hardly taken the visa card out of my wallet...
It's easier to resist when in you're in stores, because of the whole having to hand over the money - or taking out the card and punching the code.. Here, thank's to PayPal, you just have to press the buy button..
It's evil - it's addictive - it's fantastic..
Evil consumerism. Why do I have this need to constantly buy things.. Looking for a new laptop - even though my pc is working perfectly fine, well almost perfectly fine.. I'm just sick of the lack of storage on it.. so throw it out - buy a new one.. Do not need, do not need... But I WANT!!
I guess with the money I earn by being a TA on the field course this month, and getting free food there - I can almost afford it.. (Just have to not eat the rest of the time - which actually would be a good thing. Evil sugar and fat - why do you have to be so tasty..) Also going home to my parents for a month in the summer, so I'll be saving some money on food there too.. but I still have to pay rent.. Crap.. Fuck money.