Finally managed to go snowboarding. Am not very good at it. I really want a new board, but I use it so rarely that it's no point.. Tried the halfpipe for the first time. I do not understand how people dare do all those jumps and stuff. I chickened out only half way up the wall, and it was a very small halfpipe.. Managed to get through the day without any serious injuries. My bum is a little sore, but that's all. There was a little girl that skied straight into me. Luckily she didn't get hurt.Have been listening alot to Mew lately. When I first heard the Frengers album, I didn't like it that much. But now I'm playing it incessantly... Didn't remember that Stina Nordenstam was singing on the album. I really like her voice. And the little girl that sings on Symmetry. I like the sort of fragile voices. Been listening more and more to... noisepop.. is that the genera? Flaming Lips, Mercury Rev, Death Cab.. I think my roommates are happy. Think they were getting sick of Bright Eyes and the Shins.. Not that there is that much of a difference.. This is louder. Well louder than the Shins. Maybe now I can manage to overpower Robbie Williams..
Why did I start this blog.. Do I need a reason? Well, thought I should make a contribution to all the useless crap to be found on the internet... No actually, I started it because I am a terrible procrastinator.. Just something to do in order to avoid doing something I have to do...Today for instance. Cleared the day so that I could catch up on some school work. It's now almost 10pm. What have I done so far? Well, lets see.... seen a movie, cleaned the house, done some laundry, went for a jog, located my books, but have not yet managed to open them...Have found out that I quite enjoy jogging. Or maybe it is power walking.. In my mind I am jogging. But if I was to go for a run with someone else, I might just find out that I'm actually just walking... I'm getting better, but I still think I'm in better shape than I'm actually in.. Have trouble standing up now... walking like my grandmother..
Nothing to do today. Well, actually there is plenty of things I should have done, but didn't feel like studying.. Found the English Patient at the library, so rewatched that one. It's a beautiful film, visually stunning. But my god, it's long.. 160 minutes is a long time. And it feels even longer. Also watched A thousand acres. That was just excruciatingly dull. Got my recordplayer in the mail today:) But unfortunaly all of my vinyl records (not that I have that many) are at my parents house.. But I did buy two very cheap albums today, so that I could try it out. Bought Dire Straits - Money for nothing and The Cars - The cars. Happy with all of the purchases.
Can't sleep..Was channel surfing and ended up watching a Buffy rerun. And suddenly I hear something that sounds kind of like norwegian... It was the episode where we found out how Anya became a vengance demon. I think it was meant to be swedish.. But it sounded more like norwegian.. Kind of.. Some of it didn't sound like anything.. Can't they afford dialect coaches or something.. It's horrible to listen to. It sounds like they have gotten the script written out phonetically and are just reading off the page..I remember it was the same with an episode of X-files. Horrible. At least there you'd think they could have hired someone who spoke the language.
Why i hate shoelaces. Ahh. I could write an essay...
No actually, it's just the knot I dont like. Well, no not that either. It's the loops. I hate the loops. It looks incredibly silly with those little loops hanging off the shoes.. The only shoes I own that still needs to be tied, are my running shoes. All the others I have cut the laces of at the last hole.. So my new shoes need to be someone I can put on without having to untie them.. Maybe I should look in the closet and see if I can find some of my old trainers from the late 80s. Now, velcro that's attractive.. Especially when you crisscross the two fastenings.. And whatever happened to those trainers with the twist thing instead of shoelaces. Do those still excist? Puma I seem to remember having those about 10 years ago...
But it's not just a cosmetic thing. Shoelaces are also very dangerous. Especially for one who's prone to accidents, such as myself. You, or someone else, step on them and you fall over, they get caught in the chain or cassette on your bike and you fall over, they get caught in the door and you fall over... Basically they've caused me to fall over quite a bit...
And wet shoelaces are grosse to tie.. You walk outside and they get muddy and crappy, and dogs enjoy playing with the laces. And it's just wonderful to tie or untie shoelaces covered in saliva, mud or other not so pleasant liquids... And it's an economic thing. If you keep tying and untying the shoelaces they become very stressed, and so one day you're bound to rip part of the shoelace off.. And then you'll have to buy a new one, and retie the whole shoe.. And then it looks weird cause one of the shoelaces is much cleaner than the other.. So you'll have to buy a new one for the other shoe... See it's just trouble..
Bored.Can't make up my mind wether or not I like Aqualung..Need new shoes - hate shoelaces...
Rented Pride and prejudice, the BBC miniseries. Wonderful. That of course lead me to watch a lot of other movies starring Colin Firth. Well, more like re-watch some of them. So far most of what I've seen are RomComs.. Now, I'm easily entertained (and some, like Bridget Jones's Diary and Love Actually I think are very good), but I would like to see him do more dramatic roles. Girl with a pearl earring is beautiful. See him play a bad guy, although I think he would make a terrific James Bond. But then I haven't seen that many of his movies, so he probably have played a few bad guys..
Also, finally bought Donnie Darko - The director's cut. But haven't seen it yet. Something to do this easter.. Man, I really need to spend less money..
Went an saw I heart Huckabees the other day. Strange movie. I enjoyed it, but felt it was a bit repetative. Saw it in a club, so the sound was pretty crappy - actually it dissapeard for about 5 minutes.. Might have to see it again in more comfortable surroudings. Jude Laws accent bothered me a bit. It felt fake. And also, Dustin Hoffman looked like he wanted to be in the Beatles, and Jason Schwartsmann like he should be in one of the 'the' bands..Jon Brions score was excellent as usual.Accidentily bought a recordplayer today.. Well, I guess you can't accidently buy anything. But I was looking in one of these online auction sites, and came across one. Put in a bid, but then just after, I thought.. Can't really affort that.. Figured someone was going to outbid me, but no one did. So now I have to buy this thing. Well, appart from me not really having the money to spend on something like that, I'm quite happy with it. Finally I can play my vinyl records again..
So I finally got to se Beyond the Sea. Had to resort to Winmx. Which is not a great thing to do, because the quality sucks. But what is one to do when they decide to not put it up here until late may.. Anyway, quite enjoyed it, even with the terrible sound. Before I saw it I wasn't sure I was going to manage to look past the agething.. 37 sure, but 20s.... But because of the way he structured the movie, and because he adressed this right at the beginning, I managed. The movie within a movie idea by the way. Good idea. Makes you much more free in the storytelling. But it was a bit confusing at times. Also not too thrilled about all the dancenumbers. Danceroutines troubles me... (But I do have a secret desire to learn to tap.. well, not so secret now..)
But I did truly enjoy it. I remember really enjoying that kind of music from I was around 10 untill I was 14. Then suddenly I went into a gangsterrap period. My cd collection is really strange. I accumulated a lot of weird, mostly crappy stuff during the years between 14 and 18.. Like, I do own both a Bone thugs-n-harmony cd and a Celine Dion cd. I really should sell some of them, but who would ever want that.. Tried to see if I could get into Gram Parson recently. But my ears are not ready for that yet..
Oh, Star Wars.. Maybe I'll manage to get through this today..
Free miniconcert today:) Me likey free things. Madrugada played a few songs from their latest album, The Deep End. Haven't heard all of it yet. But what I've heard I like. Sivert Høyem has got a most beautiful voice.
Madrugada.. means 'daybreak' I think.. I get a more a late evening feel from their music though.. well, maybe not..It's music to watch the sun set and the sun rise again..
Only been to one other miniconcert in a record store before. More people should do that. It seems like a smart thing to do.. I'm guessing they sold quite a few records today. But I guess most record stores here are too tiny to be able to do this. Well, I enjoyed it very much. Think I'm going to go see them in april, in a real club. Luckily they're going to do two shows here in Oslo, because the first one is already sold out.
Bright Eyes & Rilo Kiley
So sunday. Two of my absolute favourite bands at the same venue. Fantastic. Would've been better if I wasn't sick with the flu. Spent most of the night before throwing up.. But I wasn't going to miss this show. Could hardly stand on my legs on sunday, but felt a bit better in the evening. So I managed to drag my ass down there.
Would be wonderful if Rilo Kiley could've played a full show too. It wasn't the best concert I've been too, or maybe it was just because I was a bit feversih.. But I just love their music, so I enjoyed myself alot. Managed to sneak my camera in this time too. But I still suck at photography.

The set list..
Rilo Kiley played:
- It's a hit
- The good that won't come out
- Portion for foxes
- I never
- Love and war (11/11/46)
- A better son/daughter
- More adventurous
- Ripchord
- a new song
Found a recording of it on the net. I love that. Makes it easier to remember the show. A pretty bad recording, but hey.. At least it's something.
Bright eyes played:
Well, haven't found the set list yet. And I never write them down, or remember,
but they played a lot of songs from "I'm wide awake, it's morning"
Opened with
-At the bottom of everything
We are nowwhere and it's now, Lua, Land locked blues
Ended with Another travelling song, and then they came back and played Bowl of oranges and Road to joy